tom logue
Tom Logue: CFSD parent, school volunteer, FFO President
I am proud to announce my candidacy for the Catalina Foothills School District Governing Board in 2024.
I’m a relative newcomer to Tucson, having moved here from Memphis in 2020 with my wife and our two children (both in elementary school at the time). When choosing a neighborhood, schools were our top priority, and after researching the Tucson area we decided to exclusively look for homes within CFSD boundaries. Over the past several years, the district has exceeded our family’s expectations. We’ve been genuinely impressed with the academics, extracurriculars, and focus on our children’s social and emotional well-being. Our children are thriving at CFSD schools.
In December of 2022, I stepped into the role of President of the Manzanita Elementary Family Faculty Organization (FFO), and I have served as FFO President for a year and a half. While supporting our families and the school in this position, I have built collaborative relationships with amazing parent volunteers, teachers, staff, administrators, and district personnel. After serving in this role, I now have an even greater appreciation for the complex issues and decision-making that occur at the school and district level.
In addition to my FFO experience and volunteer activities, I believe my professional background qualifies me for a seat on the Governing Board. As someone who runs a small business, I bring a pragmatic approach to decision-making. As a research analyst and consultant, I am comfortable working with large and complex data sets to identify trends and make recommendations. As an interviewer and focus group moderator, I never lose sight of the importance of nonjudgmental listening to seek out and genuinely understand different points of view on a subject. I take an objective approach to each topic and problem I encounter and believe the best outcomes are achieved when all points of view are included.
As I look ahead to the 2024-25 school year, I am excited for my incoming 6th and 9th graders to continue their education at CFSD schools. I am equally excited about the opportunity to serve this amazing district. My hope is that our district residents will continue to support the policies and strategic direction of the current Governing Board. I appreciate and value the district’s commitment to diversity and inclusion, their focus on well-rounded educational offerings, their openness to community feedback, and their dedication to pursuing excellence in all aspects of the student experience. It is with this perspective that I enter the race for Governing Board. I know first-hand how amazing our schools are, and I want to see the district continue to put Students First.
I respectfully ask for your vote this November.
My commitment to you
If entrusted with a seat on the Governing Board, I will work with my fellow board members and will collaborate with district stakeholders to maintain the tradition of excellence that our families and residents have come to expect from CFSD.
Deliver academic excellence
All curricula should be regularly assessed to ensure that CFSD students are benefiting from innovative and effective approaches to education. As district curricula are revised and modernized, attention should be given to measuring the impact of curriculum changes on student performance and academic readiness.
Promote a supportive and safe learning environment
Students learn best when they feel secure and comfortable in their learning environment. Exploring and applying the latest research-backed approaches to ensuring a supportive learning environment will benefit all students.
Maximize efficiency and effectiveness
School buildings, equipment, and supplies contribute greatly to the learning experience at our schools. Students and teachers alike will benefit from identifying opportunities to modernize and improve learning conditions, share resources across schools, and make environmentally responsible decisions about school facilities and activities.
I am eager to continue serving the district
So many of the opportunities that our district families and students enjoy are made possible by the time and efforts of our volunteers. I am proud to be one of the many family members and district residents who contribute their time and resources to our schools.
Whether volunteering for events at Orange Grove and Manzanita, or serving in my official capacity as FFO President, I have genuinely enjoyed the opportunity to be of service to this incredible school district. I am proud to have built meaningful collaborative relationships with district personnel, school administrators, FFO board members, and families.
With your support, I look forward to continuing my service to CFSD, its students, its families, and the community at large.