CFSD Students First Candidates Will Not Attend Upcoming October 5 Political Event
Tucson, AZ -- CFSD Students First is announcing that candidates Jacquelyn Davoli, Tom Logue, and Eileen Jackson will not attend an upcoming event advertised as a CFSD Governing Board candidate debate. The event is scheduled for October 5, 2024 at Catalina Foothills Church, and is being organized by an unidentified party and moderated by partisan media personalities.
The CFSD Students First team was made aware of this event via an email invitation that included an event flyer featuring pictures of candidates Davoli, Logue, and Jackson, implying our attendance. “I was surprised to receive a flyer with my picture on it to an event I had neither heard about nor agreed to attend, especially without any additional introduction on the part of the organizer,” remarked Logue.
CFSD Students First directly informed the unidentified event organizer on August 20 that Davoli, Logue, and Jackson will not be in attendance. In order to ensure that the public is adequately informed and does not attend this event expecting all candidates to be present, CFSD Students First requested on August 20 that the event organizer not include candidates Davoli, Logue, or Jackson in any event-related announcements. “At this point, since both the organizer and all invited candidates have known for over a week that we are not attending this event, I’m not sure why anyone would continue to circulate promotional materials that imply otherwise,” said Logue.
The CFSD Students First slate consists of three pro-CFSD candidates running for Governing Board seats in the Catalina Foothills School District. Jacquelyn Davoli, Tom Logue, and Eileen Jackson are dedicated volunteers with deep ties to the district, running to preserve the tradition of excellence that CFSD students and families currently enjoy. More information about CFSD Students First can be found at